Pink Harmony
Pink Harmony
This bouquet is the epitome of tenderness and grace. Lush roses, delicate ranunculi and airy hydrangeas combine into a harmonious composition of pastel pink and cream shades. Light patches of greenery add freshness, and the subtle aroma of flowers creates an atmosphere of warmth and joy. Pink Harmony is perfect for a special occasion or will be a touching way to express your feelings.
This bouquet is your perfect choice to create tender and unforgettable moments.
The photo shows the size S and L.
It is important to keep in mind that this is a reference image of your bouquet. Whilst you can expect similar colours and styling, Urban Garden cannot guarantee the exact florals used in this arrangement. Furthermore, flowers are subject to change due to seasonal availability.
For Same day delivery please order by 2pm and by 7pm for next day delivery. Please note that by purchasing this bouquet you have agreed to the above terms and conditions.